Chapped skin? Massage a little bit on and it’ll be gone. It’s a physiological fact that children’s skin can become red, dry and chapped. Prevent these day-to-day problems by protecting their skin with a soft and gentle caress.

Weather protection cream
with cermaides

Nourishes, protects and helps to
strengthen the skin

  1. Here’s how I can help you!
    Nature is mostly dormant during the winter months, but your child can still have fun outdoors. Growing children want to explore the world around them. It’s good for them to be outdoors as much as possible: they need to run around, climb trees and play with other children – after all, cold weather isn’t going to make them ill. However, it’s a good idea to make sure their hands, feet and head are well covered up so that they aren’t exposed to sudden changes in temperature when they go outside or come back in.
    When it’s very cold and windy, the skin on your child’s hands and face can become chapped. Thanks to its special formula made with ceramides, Halykoo Weather Protection Cream can help to defend delicate skin from the harsh weather of the winter months.
  2. Before you use me, let me explain what
    I’m made of...
    I’m a cream that contains ceramides. These are fatty substances which ‘weatherproof’ the outermost layer of the skin, its natural protective barrier, which functions just like a brick wall for your home – protecting you from the elements. These ceramides are the result of extensive laboratory research – scientists have been able to reproduce a concentrated lipid identical to that found in the human skin.
    I also contain panthenol, which promotes the repair of chapped areas of skin and helps to counteract irritation and itching, and also to prevent rashes.
    Another important ingredient is aloe vera, a natural product from certified organic farmers, which helps to soothe and regenerate the skin.
  3. ...the best place to store me...
    Store me in a cool, dry cupboard, away from sunlight and direct sources of heat – and curious children!
  4. ...what you should check before using me!
    Check the use-by date, which you’ll find printed on my box and tube, and once I’ve been opened, use me within 6 months.
  5. Here’s how to get the best out of me!
    Put me on at home before going out, with a gently massage until I’m fully absorbed, and before putting the cap back on, make sure that there’s no dirt around the mouth of my tube. Take me with you wherever you go, as you might need to put more of me on during the day.
  6. ...lastly, just a few things to be aware of...!
    I’m for external use on the skin only. Avoid contact with eyes.
    Extensive research has gone into my formula to minimise the risk of allergic reactions. I’ve been also dermatologically tested. However, in the event of a reaction upon first application, avoid further use and consult your doctor.
    I don’t contain parabens, colouring or allergens. Do not use me if you are hypersensitive to this product or any of its components.
    I am not a sunscreen. If your child goes out in the sun, use a specialized sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF).
    Please keep the illustrated leaflet for future reference.