Cold? Stuffy nose? Help him to breathe and sleep better. A cold can be as annoying during the day as it is at night time, but with a simple remedy or two, your child will be as lively and happy as ever in no time.

Vapour night pads with essential oils

Help children to breathe easier and get
a peaceful night’s sleep

  1. Here’s how I can help you!
    Seasonal viruses and sudden changes in temperature are always more than ready to disrupt your child’s sleep. We all know a cold is synonymous with a stuffy nose, laboured breathing and interrupted nights. That’s when Halykoo Vapour Night Pads with essential oils can help to keep nasal congestion at bay. Applied directly to your child’s pyjamas, it facilitates the unblocking of their nose throughout the night, and helps them to breathe freely.
  2. Before you use me, let me explain what
    I’m made of...
    My secret lies in the essential oils I’m infused with – camphor and certified organic eucalyptus have aromatic and decongesting properties that help to unblock your child’s airways. It’s not just an old wives’ tale...
  3. ...the best place to store me...
    Store me unopened in my single-dose sachets in my box in a cool, dry cupboard, away from light, heat, fire and sunlight – and curious children!
  4. ...what you should check before using me!
    My use-by date, which you’ll find stamped on my box and on each sachet, is only valid as long as I’ve been stored correctly in my original packaging.
  5. Here’s how to get the best out of me!
    I work like football stickers. When it’s time for bed, open my sachet, remove the clear backing and gently stick me onto the front of your child’s pyjamas at chest level – but not on their skin! I stay on all night, and you can peel me off easily the next morning and throw me away, as I work for just one night. I don’t tear or leave marks. The heat of your child’s body is all I need to release my aromatic vapours – an invisible cloud of well-being that lasts all night, providing a feeling of freshness for at least 8 hours to promote a peaceful night’s sleep.
  6. ...lastly, just a few things to be aware of...!
    Don’t use me if your child is under 3 years of age. Don’t use me if your child is allergic to any of my components, has asthma or other respiratory conditions.
    Remember that I only work for 1 night, after which I lose my effectiveness. I am for external use only. If your child takes me off to play with me or smell me better, and ends up eating me or licking me, consult your paediatrician.
    Don’t apply me to the skin or the inside of the mouth, and don’t put me on the radiator or in the microwave to make me work better – if anything, you’ll damage me!
    Please keep the illustrated leaflet for future reference.
Their exclusive patented
matrix means they’re activated
by body heat, and give off
essential oils’ vapours for 8 hours.