Privacy Policy

1) Introduction
APR Applied Pharma Research s.a. (“APR”) is the data controller responsible for this website (the “Site”).

APR is a Swiss company, for this reason, the data collected through this Site are processed outside the European Union.

APR can be contacted at the following address: 

Via Corti 5, Balerna, 6828, Switzerland. 
Telephone: 0041 91 6957020
Fax: 0041 91 6957029

APR respects the privacy of guests to this Site and it is committed to the protection of their data and information.

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is in compliance with the applicable laws and, in particular, with the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on May 25th, 2018.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform the guests of this Site about:

(i)            which types of data that APR collects through the Site
(ii)           how APR may use such data
(iii)          who are the third parties which such data may be shared with
(iv)          the rights recognized to any guest of this Site


2) Nature of the data collected

The data collected through the Site can be:

a) Navigation Data: these kind of data are collected automatically by the Site and the permission to their collection is implicit in the Internet usage protocols. In particular, these kind of data do not allow an identification of the guest of the site but, through particular elaborations and in association with other data, they can lead to an identification of the guest. By means of example, these kind of data include, but are not limited to, the IP addresses, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), the indication of the time spent on the Site, the information related to the operative system of the guest, other information related to web navigation.
APR uses these data in an aggregate and anonymous form in order to track information such as the total number of visits to the Site, the number of visitors to each page of the Site and the domain names of the visitors of the APR’s Internet service providers. APR uses these information to improve the services offered through the Site.
These data, in combination with other information, may lead to an identification of the guest of the Site. APR does not use these data for such purposes and does not try to identify in any away the guests to this Site. 

b) Data disclosed, on voluntary base, by the guest: these data are disclosed only on voluntary base by the guest of the Site and may include name, surname, living address, e-mail address, telephone, nationality. These data are collected through the filing of a format and are used by APR to answer to specific requests of the guest.

In particular, APR uses the Data disclosed on voluntary base for the following purpose: in the event of questions addressed to APR through this Site, data (such name and e-mail address) are necessary to processing the request and provide the guest with an answer. Guests are not obligated to provide such data but in the event they do not, APR shall not be able to provide an answer to the specific request;
Please by informed that the Site services do not require any form of registration, allowing the guests to visit the Site without providing any personal data (and in general, any Data disclosed on voluntary base).
3) Cookies 

The Site uses cookies. Please see the Section “ Cookie Policy” for information about the cookies policy. 

4) Data Protection 
Any data collected by APR is treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy and with any applicable legal or ethical reporting or documentation retention requirements and, in particular, in full adherence with the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on May 25th, 2018.

APR is committed to protecting the security of the collected data and shall take commercially reasonable steps to protect such data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and all other unlawful forms of processing.

The data collected are protected by firewalls that meet or exceed industry standards.

5) Sharing Information with Third Parties 

The Navigation Data may be shared, in aggregate and anonymous form, with third parties in order to improve the Site services by studying the guests’ experiences on the Site.

APR does not elaborate the Navigation Data and the Data disclosed on voluntary base by the guest in order to obtain indirect information in relation to the guests of the Site.

6) Data Retention and Deletion 

Data collected through the Site are stored in servers that are operated and maintained by a different company from APR. Such company has not access to any data collected by APR and provide to APR a simple server service.
APR only retains the data collected as long as and to the extent needed to fulfill the purposes for which they were originally collected, unless otherwise provided by law or differently requested by the guest (as better specified under following Section 8).

In any case, the data collected shall be deleted after five years from the moment of their registration.

7) Links to Other Web Sites 

The Site may provide links to third party web sites as a service to its guests.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to those sites.
APR has not the possibility to control or manage the contents of such sites, nor the possible use of the data eventually collected by those sites. For these reason APR takes no responsibility in relation to any data processing performed by those sites.
Please review the privacy policies and terms of use posted on each site you visit. 

8) Guest Rights

Provided that any guest of this Site may, in any moment, may exert the rights recognized by the applicable privacy laws and, in particular, any right recognized under the General Data Protection Regulation (in particular the rights defined under Sections 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21), APR points out that no data is collected by this Site except the Navigation Data.

For this reason, APR does not have any possibility to identify the guests of this Site, nor shall exert any activity in such way.

In any case, if any of the guest of this Site has doubt in relation to the data collected by this Site or the processing or the usage of such data by APR or in relation to any of its right under the General Data Protection Regulation, he can contact APR at the following addresses:

a) by sending an e-mail at:
b) by letter to
Via Corti 5, Balerna, 6828, Switzerland. Telephone: 0041 91 6957020
Fax: 0041 91 6957029

9) Privacy Policy Updates 

APR may occasionally update all or parts of this Privacy Policy at any time and without any notice to the Site’s guests.
APR encourage to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about its information practices. 
Please be aware that your use of this Site constitutes an acceptance to terms of the Privacy Policy and any of its updates.

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